After school clubs

SMART SCHOOL views extracurricular activities and activities as an integral part of our children’s education. That is why the school offers a wide range of hobbies that are aimed at introducing the child to possible hobbies, at the development of special sports, at learning foreign languages ​​or computer technology and to develop interest in areas in which they might not have been involved during regular curriculum.

Extracurricular activities are an essential part of every child at school. Parents as well as children can choose a club, usually representing a balance between active / athletic and intellectual inspiration. Each student is obliged to study in the circle of his choice, adhering to the rule that any interest in learning must be observed to the end.

After school activities

  1. Taekwondo
  2. Choreography
  3. Chess
  4. Acting skills
  5. Art
  6. Rhythm
  7. Mnemonic
  8. Speaking club
  9. Mental arithmetic
  10. Digital literacy
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