Medical service

School leaders and teachers are sensitive to children’s health. Our school employs a paediatrician and nurse as well. Medical staff constantly improve their qualifications and receive additional paediatric specialties. Our medical staff are highly qualified specialists who are proficient in all the skills of providing first medical and therapeutic aid. Medical staff do not leave the school grounds throughout the working day. In an emergency, our medical workers are ready to provide qualified medical care, before the arrival of the ambulance team. Our school pays special attention to children suffering from allergic diseases and diabetes. In this regard, the kitchen staff knows the characteristics of each student and prepares special meals according to an individually designed menu.

A child spends 11 years at school, during which the most important changes in his body take place, the quality and success of his adult life directly depends on them. The work of the medical service is aimed not only at preserving, but also at increasing the health of each child.

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